Wednesday, 27 November 2013

different films budgets

The Avengers film budget was $207,438,708. This is obviously a huge budget in comparison to some of the other productions that was released at similar times. a huge amount of this budget went to the editing and casting as the production involved a lot of special affects which needed some specialized editors to make them look realistic and have the biggest affect possible on the audience 

The film budget for the first paranormal activity was a minimal £15,000. This difference between the two films is astonishing. However low the budget was they managed to make a %7194.48 percent profit from this film bringing in $107917283. the reason why this was possible is due to the fact the running cost of production and editing was so cheap. the majority of the budget was spent on advertising and distribution for the film which made it such a huge success. 

Tuesday, 26 November 2013


Make your own mind maps with Mindomo.

interesting news article that could relate.

i have found a very interesting news article that i can clearly link in with the story lien of the film and how health and safety is such a big issue today in the game of rugby.

other inspirational shots

Another huge hit from the south african winger. This is a possible thing that we are going to try and shoot when filming the rugby scenes of our production as this is what the fans want to see in a game of rugby so would want to see it in the film.

Friday, 22 November 2013

film of the week

Although this may not be the most relevant film to my production but it has some very interesting shots that i think are good and we could use them also in our film.

Tuesday, 19 November 2013

making the storyboard look good

how something is perceived is vital whatever it is. An example of this and possibly the most famous types of storyboards are comic books. they use various techniques in order to attract the audience and invite them to read more and buy more comics. In addition to this comic books have been produced since 1933 and so therefore is not a modern technique but in fact a very traditional one.

from the image you can see that the use of vibrant colors is vital in catching the audiences eye. stereotypically a comic book is seen to be for the younger generation and you can see why this stereotype may be in place as all of the fonts are very bold and almost exciting.

Monday, 18 November 2013

film idea interview

in order to get another persons perspective of what our film should end up like we decided that an interview process would be a good idea to conduct this type of research. Very kindly, Joe took time to help us out with this and answered just a few questions that has helped us greatly.

Friday, 18 October 2013

creating the story board

I am choosing to use the program pixton as it is very easy use and very accessible. this is ideal for me as being at school i can use this website to the best of my ability in the class room. Pixton is also a very good presentation tool to use as it means that my blog is not just a solid block of text and i am showing creativity within my work.

my next step

My next step is to create a story board that is descriptive enough to entice the audience in to viewing the film. this is also important to me as it allows me to set guidelines on how i want the film to go and how to actually shoot the production. this enables me to add structure to my filming process and therefore allowing things to runn more smoothly.

Friday, 11 October 2013


location is one of the most vital aspects of how a film is represented to the audience. it not only allows the film to fit conventions but also gets the audience to relate to the production. at the recent films that i have looked at they have used location that is faithful to its source. if the location has infidelity then the shot will not be as believable and will not allow the audience to relate to it as much as the producer would like them too.

Monday, 7 October 2013

initial ideas for the wardrobe.

to create a very believeable and stereotypically correct i think that having the correct surrounding within in the shot is very important. as our film is mainly based on sports and recovery, that sort of prop is going to be vital in not only how the shot looks but also how the character is presented. for example you wouldn't expect a rugby player to be wearing a suit when he is playing so therefore we will need to collect a suitable

Thursday, 26 September 2013

shooting the rugby scenes

as a massive part of the film, being able to shoot a live game will give us a major advantage and we luckily have the opportunity this weekend to film a very competitive game.

Thursday, 19 September 2013


music for a production is a very important aspect of the film. this is due to the fact music and sound help to set the scene in the shot and help add affect to what the producer is trying to show the audience.

i have attached the film 'Invictus' trailer not only because of how it can relate to my production but also because it is a good example of how music is used throughout media. the use of synergy with the film and music also shows a great level of skill as if match together incorrectly; this could have a large negative affect on the film. in the trailer there is a great mix of the background music mixed in with some diegetic sounds of children cheering on the players. this is used in the trailer to keep the audience interested in the film and allows the short clip to flow better.

student feedback

the student feedback that i received was vital in me moving forward and improving my blog. the main thing that i picked up on was the amount of post i have on this blog and that needs to be improved on dramatically. other improvements needed where;
more creativity

relating production to our film

the video that i have attached to the post not only go along with the rugby theme but also show the certain amount of determination need in life to get where you want. this is the same sort of message that i want to portray in my film as i think it is very important to inspire others with your own work.

go animate idea

rugby film by jackpilditch on GoAnimate

changing the film idea

after much consideration and suggestion we came to the conclusion that creating a film with the same sort of story line as four brothers was probably not the best idea as we cannot relate to the situation as much as we would like to. with this in mind we have stayed with the genre of drama but have changed the story line drastically. due to the fact we are both huge rugby fanatics it only seems to make sense that we should create a visionary film full of inspiration and show to the audience how determination cane get you to where you want to be.

first film pitch

after pitching our idea to the class and to our teacher we had some good but mostly negative feedback that consisted off:
too similar to other productions that have already been released.
is not a strong enough idea to produce
budget was going to cost too much

with all of this in mind we have decided to scrap the initial idea and to think about something new and fresh that has not been produced like this before.

Tuesday, 17 September 2013

story line basis

i think that its fairly obvious that the story line of the film is the most important things about the production. this is because it what keeps the audience interested in the film. as a initial idea and base that i think my story line could grow from i like the story line from the famous film 'four brothers' This is one of my favorite films because i think that it has a very meaningful message about brotherhood and sticking together with family. it manages to do this with added twist to create a much indulging and exciting film.

comedy genre mood board

action genre mood board

Thursday, 12 September 2013

action genre

again action genre is one of the most used film genre as it has a pretty much unlimited amount of story lines possible to create as long as there is some sort of action portrayed in the film. by this i mean that a explosion of sorts or maybe a car chase is possibly the most stereotypical of an action film.

comedy genre

a comedy genre is where in which the films main emphasis is on humor and making the audience laugh. it is arguably one of the one popular film genres for the audience as a lot of people who go to watch films want enjoyment and laughter with their friends.  the target audience is stereotypically a young audience which i think is correct as the much older generation seem to go for more o the action an drama films. examples of comedy are the hangover and anchorman

Tuesday, 10 September 2013

drama genre

the drama genre is possibly the most famous and used genre as it can appeal to a very wide audience. examples of a drama range from the famous 'The Godfather' and 'The shawshank redemption' although they can be seen to be quite an emotional film there can be certain aspects of comedy or action in the films.

Tuesday, 3 September 2013

initial ideas for movie genre

The genre selection is possibly the most important process of creating the production. i think this due to the fact if you are unsure on the genre of your film then you can't fully emphasise certain scenes. for example if your genre is a horror and you are looking to shock and scare the viewer by having the film in a setting that may not be right for the genre, this will deter the story line and will have less of an effect on the audience. therefore the genre needs to be very specific and well thought to make it as affective as possible.

personally my favorite genre of film to watch is a comedy as i really enjoy the witty humour. i also like this genre because i think that there are so many different versions of how it can be portrayed whereas a genre such as horror may seem to have a very similar story line to the other films out at the time.

Thursday, 4 July 2013

trailer research task 2

for my second trailer research task i have again chosen to analysis a teaser trailer.  iron man 3 is one of the most popular films about to date and is in a long line of action hero films and with the recent release of the avengers it is a hard task to create a film that lives up to audiences expectations.

firstly the cinematography of the film is very similar many other films of the same genre and the master cinematographer John Toll was in charge of the cinematography aspect of the film.  in the teaser trailer the cinematography

Wednesday, 3 July 2013

Tuesday, 25 June 2013

target audience opinion 3

the image above is another groups view on how a target audience is represented in film. these views and opinions were shared with the group and this allowed us to contemplate weather our own ideas where correct and how they could be changed and improved.

target audience opinion 2

here i have attached another task that was set in the lesson which consisted of us as a group analyzing a film trailer and looking at the editing, cinematography, sound and music and also the title of the film and how the relate to the target audience of the production. this was a very interesting task as it allowed us to go into great depth about how the target audience works and how it can bring in a large audience through doing certain things right.

Monday, 24 June 2013

target audience opinion

This is a photo of one of the of suggestions on what a target audience actually is and the meaning of the target audience. as you can see it has been developed as the lesson went on due to new information being found out about the target audience.  

Tuesday, 11 June 2013

trailer research task

for my first task i have chosen to analyse the film trailer of 'the purge'. i have chosen to analyse this film due to the fact i believe that it is a great example of how new films in the udustry use trailers to attract its target audience through using; sound, music, mise-en-scene and much more.

the music used in the trailer is a very affective way off setting the tone of the production. For example they have used juxtaposition to show the contrast and the meaning of the film.  this is shown in the beginning of the trailer as it starts with a very calm piano playing in the background as there sound of shots of family and friends smiling togethere and then it changes to the piano being covered by the aggressive noise of gun fire and mayhem in a city centre.  This is a clear demonstration of how sound and music are affective in the film industry is used to create a better viewing.

The mise-en-scene of this production is also very audience and storyline specific as a lot of the props used represent power and strength.  for example the huge metal gates around the houses and the numerous number of weapons that are shown in the trailer expresses to the audience. To extend on that the mise-en-scene is one of the most important aspects of a film production s it enable the audience to capture the scene and add affect to the situation in the shot.

Also a very important thing about creating a very good standard film trailer is making sure that the cinematography is to a good standard and the techniques used are very fitting to the genre of the film.  for example on this occasion the shots change from very long and smooth shots of the family together and the film has a very environment in the camera shot. As the mood of the film changes; so does the cinematography of aspect as the camera turns to shot and rugged shots of people.  Furthermore the camera light has dimmed greatly and it is now set in a very dark and dingy environment.